
Right Wing CO School Board Member: The US "Voluntarily Ended Slavery"

leftynyc10/03/2014 11:50:35 am PDT

I’m surprised to find one adult at fox:

“I don’t know why anybody would be upset about that. It’s kind of a badge of honor,” Wallace responded. “First of all, I think it’s fair game. We’re big boys. We have been very critical of the President and Obamacare, and I think rightly so. It’s not like we think there’s anything wrong with our reporting. The President is trying to gin up his base about a month before the election, calls us out. We should view it as a badge of honor.”

“I just didn’t think we belonged in the dialogue,” Brian Kilmeade insisted. “Just tell me what you think and take on the other party.”

“Are we at the presidential level?” Steve Doocy asked. “Isn’t he punching down?”

“Stop being crybabies, my gosh,” Wallace said.

“You criticize the president for being thin skinned and you’re being thin skinned,” he added as the hosts continued to protest.