
Award-Winning Journalist Chuck C. Johnson Falls for Another Hoax

Reality Based Steve12/14/2014 6:59:50 pm PST

Good night gang, I’m outta here. Tomorrow I start my last week with a company I’ve been with for 15 years as a trainer. It’s been a hell of a ride, but they are making changes that I feel so affects the quality of what I do that I’m not happy doing something I love. I felt like I had to move on.

Surprisingly, they are keeping me in the classroom for my last week, an easy 5 day class on T-SQL with MS Sql 2014. Usually trainers don’t spend the last week in the classroom, afraid that they might do something ‘unprofessional’.

It’s going to be a tough week for me, I’m not sure what direction I’m going to point my life in next, maybe just find the north star and set a course for the unknown. I’m in a good place in terms of finances and have no concerns for at least 6 months, and after that I’ve got a safety net in place.

I have already decided that I’m taking a bit of a sabbatical, not really get too wrapped up in things until I get back from Curacao in March. I’m heading down to Florida and Key Largo to spend some time with my old man, so I may not be posting much over the holidays.

Have a good one, one and all.