
Mickey Kaus Quits Daily Caller After Tucker Carlson Pulls Critical Fox News Column

ObserverArt3/17/2015 5:22:35 pm PDT

It has taken me a few minutes to recover, but I made the mistake to watch Steve Kornacki take over for Chris Hardball tonight.

I was hoping to catch up some on the Israel elections. Kornacki was all breathless about Hillary and the emails. And he was almost frantic about it all, and one of his guests (not real sure who the guy was…) was being all downbeat about it, and I thought Kornacki was going to throw him off the show for getting the host all worked up.

I guess everyone really needs to worry about Hillary though. She dropped 6 favorable points and is now at 44% unfavorable from 38%. Of course, this is three weeks into the email crap and only a year and a half away from elections.

She’ll probably go lower. And she’ll probably go higher.