
Following the Passage of Bobby Jindal's Stealth Creationism Law, Louisiana Leads the Way Into the New Dark Age

allegro6/02/2015 8:47:24 pm PDT

re: #93 freetoken

Creationism of itself can not do much harm, I think. However, it is a litmus test (yes, really). Creationism is accompanied by other types of religious teachings that are far more harmful.

E.g., Duggar Badness - the inability to deal with sexuality as a natural function because the body is viewed as fallen.

It is a litmus test indeed however I disagree that it in itself doesn’t do much harm. Of course my perspective is one of a university biology professor. As I said above, students are coming in increasingly unprepared with basic science understanding they should have well learned long before. The bullshit the RR have brought into the schools have flat out bullied teachers and administrators into avoiding teaching science because they just don’t want the headaches. It affects all disciplines ultimately.