
Overnight Podcast: Marc Maron Interviews President Barack Obama

psddluva4evah6/23/2015 6:05:26 am PDT

Ok, I’m off work today and I’m sorry for the heavy subject so early in the morning, but I had this in my head and I had to share.

Yesterday a relative of mine shared that Walmart Confederacy story via a post of mine on FB. One of her white coworkers or friend or family member (not quite sure, but she is married to a white man, so it could have been a relation) responded with the whole “Southern Pride” meme. Now, normally I don’t like to derail another person thread on FB or social media, but with the events of past week, I felt the need to say something to this woman. I pointed out all the things we’ve discussed this past week, threw in some Ta-Nehisi Coates links for good measure.

Then I guess cause I was calling her on her BS she started throwing up some Conservative talking points on the “myths” and lies about the Confederacy and then had to nerve to say I was the ignorant one, cause excuse me for ya know…facts.

Then she threw up this bit of commentary and I knew it was time to give up this discussion with this woman.

I wasnt referring to you as ignorant. I was referring to the qoute saying that “a negro is not equal to a white man” is ignorant. No one person is better than another. The Confederate flag is associated with racism. That was not its intention. Read the attachment above. The civil war wasn’t about slavery. Freeing the slaves was a bi-product of losing the war. As the northern states had slaves too. The civil war started because the south wanted economic independence. It was a war over power and greed. The north really didnt want to give up their slaves. I can attach that one too if you like. :-)

I finally just gave up cause I didn’t want to continue to threadjack my fam. But I find myself in the age of Obama and approaching 40 that I’m tired and done with to move some folk Black or White, especially on social media. Its just not worth the time or effort to try to reach a grown ass person to challenge their world view. I’m as emotional as the next person and yes I see defend some things based on emotions & sentiment, but as a scientist when confronted with facts, I listen and I try to re-evaluate my emotional defense. People like the woman I mentioned are just not worth my time when I don’t know them personally and I can just ignore or block them anyway.