
Video: Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert Jumps Out and Yells About "Radical Islam"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/22/2016 10:20:53 pm PDT

re: #95 Dark_Falcon

This attempt by Democrats to disrupt the Congress, nominally to push for a bill that in its current form is unconstitutional, but really in order to score political points is infuriating to me. I stand by my earlier idea that Republicans need to make Democrats pay a political price for these sorts of actions.

What’s unconstitutional about it? The GOP supports the No-Fly list; if the list is unconstitutional (and I do have severe reservations about a secret list you don’t know you are on, it reminds me of Joe McCarthy), the solution is either get rid of the list or fix the list.

The GOP wants the list to “prevent terrorists from getting on aeroplanes.” Why would the GOP want terrorists to be able to get guns?

The latest wingnut theory making the rounds of the Internet is gun smuggling would proceed north from Mexico (despite all the gun smuggling actually going in the other direction from all the gun shops along the border). That reminds me of the Customs official last year if I was smuggling guns into Montana from Saskatchewan. Canada and Mexico are notorious for the amount of guns they illegally smuggle across the USA border. /s