
Video: Stephen Colbert Would Prefer Not to Have the Earth Blow Up

Birth Control Works8/11/2017 1:11:24 pm PDT

re: #97 EPR-radar

None of this nonsense between tr*mp and North Korea is a surprise. If it ends up in war with North Korea, that will not be a surprise. If nukes are used and/or China gets involved, this would also not be a surprise.

The president of the Unites States has real responsibilities, and an addled narcissistic sociopath like tr*mp is categorically incapable of dealing with these responsibilities. Every meathead in the US that voted for Fuckface von Clownstick to be president owns their share of the responsibility for all of tr*mp’s crimes in office, including the practically inevitable war crimes.

If we do get to a Washington War Crimes trials scenario, foreign occupation of the US until a thorough denazification of the US is completed would be completely appropriate.

Wouldn’t it be a kick-in-the-pants if all this ends with other nations or the UN declaring sanctions against the USA?