
Stephen Colbert: Is Donald Trump Working for Russia? [VIDEO]

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/16/2019 4:18:31 am PST

re: #87 Dr Lizardo

Backing down on the wall BS and ending the shutdown would actually be easier because while the GOP base would certainly be furious and deeply embittered, there was no referendum on the matter that they could point to and say, “But we voted on this!”.

Revoking Article 50 (which I think should be done) would basically mean telling 17 million odd Brits to go fuck themselves. With the wall/shutdown, it’s more a matter of telling one man - Trump - to go fuck himself.

Revoking Article 50, while I think it’s for the best in the long run, really will open up a can of worms; PM May isn’t entirely wrong when she states that doing so would cause a good many people to question if their voices really matter at all, or if they’re just a bunch of plebs who should just shut up and do what they’re told.

The thing about the whole Brexit vote is this…

1. Everybody thought it would fail and many voted Leave as a protest of UK austerity policies. And none of them seem to have learned WHY people voted Leave.

2. They were lied to repeatedly and the liars came out the day after the vote and explicitly said they were lying. That should have invalidated the vote right then and there.

3. Rupert Murdoch is up to his neck in the lies. Like here, he got all the olds all worked up in his rags (because pretty much only olds read newsprint). Murdoch has ties to both Russia and China.

4. The night of the vote, THAT NIGHT, the top search phrase from the UK was “what is the European Union”. Morons voting for stuff they don’t even understand. Classic.

The UK really needs better leaders. Who they have are appalling. My understanding is that Corbyn isn’t the people’s choice at all, but the party choice.

Why are people not voting LibDem? They seem less insane.