
Seth Meyers: Trump Threatens Military Action in Venezuela

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/01/2019 6:13:58 am PST

So, here’s something to warm the cockles of your hearts.

U.S. to withdraw from nuclear arms control treaty with Russia, says Russian violations render the Cold War agreement moot

The United States will pull out of a nuclear arms control treaty with Russia, the Trump administration announced Friday, ending a cornerstone Cold War agreement on grounds that Russian violations render it moot.

The demise of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty raises fears of a new nuclear arms race, although U.S. officials discount the risk.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States is suspending participation in the agreement, starting a six-month countdown to a final U.S. withdrawal. That leaves a slim chance that Russia could end missile programs widely seen as a violation, salvaging the treaty. The United States accuses Moscow of violating the agreement since 2014.

It’s hard to say who benefits more from this decision. I can guess, though.