
Rank Antisemitism at MPACUK Site

jwb76051/09/2009 12:09:02 pm PST

re: #61 Oh no…Sand People!

Who gave this Pat clown legitimacy? He is a ‘conservative’?
Every day that passes I believe that less and less.

MSM works it like this:
a) Define Pat Buchanan as the ‘standard-bearer’ of conservatism
b) get him to make enormously stupid statements on air
c) for comic relief, also bring out Ann Coulter.
… the public now equates Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan

now that ‘conservatism’ has been defined, add the label to anybody you don’t like, which includes Bill O’Reilly, Newt Gingrich, Fred Thompson, Sarah Palin.

a) Define Tip O’Neill as the ‘standard-bearer’. Great quotes, plus he’s dead.
b) use the quotes, falling back to JFK when needed.

… now, use the above to soften images of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Al Franken, etc.