
Video: Science Geeks Partying for Darwin

USBeast2/12/2009 3:44:46 pm PST

re: #70 Killgore Trout

I heard an interview with Michio Kaku once where he said that there are maybe a few dozen people worldwide who really understand relativity and they all know each other. It’s a pretty small club.

Ashley Monatgue supposedly told Einstein this joke:

Two old men were sitting on a park bench. One of them says to the other: “All I hear about is Einstein and his Theory of Relativity. I just wish some one could explain to me this theory.” The other says: “It’s simple. It works like this. If a pretty girl is sitting on your lap, an hour seems like a minute. If an ugly girl is sitting on your lap, a minute seems like an hour. That’s Relativity.”

The first old man scratches his head and asks: “And from this Einstein gets a living?”

Einstein was supposed to have laughed and said it was as good an explanation as he had yet heard.