
FBI Mosque Informer: A Convicted Con Artist

Alberta Oil Peon5/01/2009 9:15:59 pm PDT

re: #102 tom from pv

The person(s) beating the dead horse are those who keep insisting that the model of American politics has a left wing and a right wing and all people fit somewhere on that line. Even lunatic types who kill people.

I’m not sure how many counter-examples need to be listed before the proponents of the “single line” theory finally admit their model falls apart at the extremes.

Tom, the notion that one’s political orientation can be quantified by placing it at some point on a line is not a “theory”, as it does not purport to really explain anything. It’s simply a convenient descriptor that has become very widely used. Itis inadequate, but it continues to be used, just as the Qwerty keyboard has shortcomings, but continues to be used.

Don’t go looking for conspiracies when simple laziness suffices to explain a phenomenon.