
The Revolution Will Be Digitized

Cato the Elder6/15/2009 7:01:44 pm PDT

To all the 101st Keyboarders, armchair generals, circle-jerking second-guessers and semi-professional ODSers here tonight who think they know what I think and were busily shoving (mostly illiterate) words in my mouth on the last thread, here is what I actually think.

Reposted, with edits, from an earlier thread.

Do not get me wrong: I hope beyond hope that this may turn into a kind of avalanche revolution. That if the regular army is called in they will refuse to shoot at kids and women and brothers and sisters. That someone has a strategy and tactic beyond tweeting and offering themselves as targets for the Basij. That a radio or teevee station or two get turned. That things can be sabotaged. That a few many mullahs get stripped and run naked through the streets of Qom. That truth and justice may prevail.

All of these things are now in the hands of the Iranians themselves. As JCM noted independently in a comment above. If you want to watch the opposition crumble, run to the Senate floor, the State Department podium, the White House lawn, and scream at the top of your lungs that the would-be revolutionaries (at this point, sadly, they’re still just protesters) are our guys and we support them with our ever-effective empty platitudes and sternly worded memos. Watch, then, in horror as people who might support the uprising turn on the protesters as agents of the West. Watch the army choose sides in favor of a government they see as threatened from outside. Watch the mullahs go from scared beasts to bared teeth and authorize the use of any and all deadly force.

Then pat yourselves on the back for having made our leaders righteously spout off, writing checks with their mouths that their asses can’t cash.

Or. Wait and see if the momentum can sustain itself, and choose your moment for jumping in when it may stand a chance of doing any good at all.

For tweeters, DOS hackers working against Iran’s government web, people with links into Iran, that time has come. For a sitting president of the country against which the Iranians have been conditioned to shout “marg bar Amrika”, not yet.

Now back to your regularly scheduled, mouth-foaming, impotent, infinite hatred of Obama. Sorry for the interruption.