
Bert and Ernie: Brutal

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion7/06/2009 8:00:09 pm PDT

re: #93 Walter L. Newton

What I think is both frightening and depressing is that a lot of people seem to have absolutely no problem at all with the flawed idea of ‘An enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ It’s happening with the anti-jihad movement looking the other way when it comes to Nazis. Now it’s happening here with fiscal conservatives (both real and self-proclaimed) looking the other way when it comes not only to Nazis, but wackos and conspiracy kooks who less than a year ago would have rightly been the recipients of nothing but total scorn and rejection.

History shows this always comes back and bites people in the ass. Perhaps if this were a life and death struggle it might be acceptable, but it is not. We are fighting largely corrupt and deluded statists, not the aliens from ID4.