
CBS News Gets Their Smear On

Pawn of the Oppressor7/23/2009 9:51:19 pm PDT

re: #75 realwest

Oh there you are! Ya know I was busy composing a response to your #224 on the prior thread and didn’t even realize there was a new thread!
I’ll save you the time and effort of going back however here’s what I said:

Remember where Zero is coming from - the official party line is that the Taliban is defeated enough. And of course we know that Pah-keestan is part of the problem, which from all angles is about as unsolvable as North Korea - as in, we’d need to magically conjure up twenty or thirty Marine divisions and drop a few megatons of nukes in certain areas to really solve the problem in a proper, definitive way.

As much as the man on the street wants to see the Taliban crushed into dust and Al Queda erased from the face of G-d’s Blue Earth, it’s not possible to do so without burning Pakistan to the ground. We know it, and he knows it too - therefore, I think he gave an honest, if typically blinkered, answer.