
Avengers #24, January 1966

HoosierHoops8/09/2010 8:42:42 pm PDT

re: #77 Cato the Elder

Be that as it may, Mandy’s avatar still openly celebrates torture.

Would you shut the fuck up? Mandy have never celebrated Torture here you fuck.. Franky I’m sick of your attacking women here…You got nothing…When you said last week you were leaving us forever .. You should have kept your promise and just gone away forever instead of waking up with a hang over and forgetting you said what you said…Stop attacking people here you old fuck..Cause some day I promise you..I will shred you like you have never been shredded.. Allow differences of opinion without getting ugly Cato..
Lest you piss me off..Then it’s all over…Now back the fuck off from Mandy..
She is who she is….
Fuck!Don’t reply to this…Take your lumps you jerk