
In India, Obama Announces Deals for $10B in Export, 50K American Jobs

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN11/06/2010 4:21:11 pm PDT

re: #104 MurphysMom

Not this year! Those numbers were for example’s sake (and fantasy). My sektit strategy is to be the last rubber company standing, then I’ll make a killing. Either that or I’ll have to become a salesman, but that’ snot my bag. Last year was terrible. This year is just bad. Our customers seem to be coming out of their hibernation. I actually came within a few hours of shutting down. I was out of money, I had been paying the employees out of my own pocket. I had receivables, but there was only one juicy one, from a respectable multinational corporation, but it was over two years old and the payable office was out of the country. (>15,000 bucks) The only thing I had going for me was an order worth 50 dollars. So I dragged my feet and dragged my feet on this little order. Well, it’s payday and I can’t make payroll. All of a sudden, at about 10am we start getting requests for quotes for this part from other rubber companies (our name is on the print). At about 11am somebody from an office in Wisconsin calls to see what the problem was. At noon there was a new A/P manager in Mexico and at about 2:30 the money appeared in the bank account. Moral of the story? If a fifty dollar order caused them this big a headache, I should be charging a lot more for these bumpers than I am now.