
Tech Corner: iPad 2 Springs Forth

HRH Stanley Sea3/02/2011 5:05:12 pm PST

LOL, this is from Andrew Sullivan, a reader writes in about Huck’s Rotary vs. Madrassa comment:

As a Rotarian, Huckabee’s attempt to use Rotary Clubs to supposedly contrast with an international mindset gave me a chuckle. After all, it is Rotary International – with 1.2 million Rotarians in approximately 200 countries or geographical regions, including Indonesia. Here’s a history of Rotary in Indonesia, going back to 1927.

Rotary’s focus is undeniably international and built upon cultural exchange. Its major goal is the eradication of polio worldwide. Members are as committed to digging wells in Africa as they are improving parks in their home communities.

Huck is such a dickhead.