
Ex-Boyfriend of Cain Accuser Corroborates Her Story

McSpiff11/14/2011 4:14:43 pm PST

re: #95 Killgore Trout

Fewer people support Occupy than before: Poll

Thought you might like this one:

Occupy Utopia: Trouble For One Spells Trouble For All

The truth is, the Occupy camp had problems before Mayor Kelly cleared it out. In fact, if the events of November 11 hadn’t happened, I’m not sure how much longer the gathering would’ve lasted.

At the November 9 general assembly, tensions were high. The camp’s reputation for accepting anyone, giving them shelter, food and a makeshift community was attracting more people who needed help than people who were able to offer it. People who are homeless used the facilities at the camp: the medical supplies, the food, the kitchen, the common “hang-out” area. People are homeless in Canada for many reasons, but there is usually an addiction in their past or present, or a mental health issue. Homeless youth are usually fleeing the addictions or abuse in whatever house they escaped from.