
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

gegenkritik4/20/2009 6:46:27 pm PDT

re: #1079 Zimriel
To make this very clear: BNP and VB should be totally opposed, the same way as NPD or other Neonazi-groups.
Though, the ideological differences should be recognized. For example, even though also racist, the NPD often shows a huge sympathy for Islam and even laments about “Islamophobia” (!). Other thugs like Evo Morales or Hugo Chavez are also idols of German Nazis.
This anti-imperialistic attitude is something that they have in common with the very left, and also the historical Nazis were anti-imperialistic in such a way: “freedom for the peoples” (from “Jewish-American-Capitalistic-slavery”) was one of their main-slogans. That’s why I highly doubt that the Berbers would have suffered a genocide: In Nazi-ideology, Africans were not viewed as equal people, but there was no plan to destruct them all.

Another example: The ones outside the islamic world, who cheer Ahmadinejad, are usually from the Neo-Nazi or very radical-left milieu. Contrary, Admiration for him in VB or FP is not really high (I have to admit that I don’t know BNP’s stance on this). In Germany, there are even Neo-Nazis who wear T-Shirts with the portrait of Ahmadinejad along with the slogan “My friend is a foreigner”. This slogan was originally used by an anti-racist initiative.