
Overnight Open Thread

republic2/27/2009 8:22:21 am PST

re: #1047 Occasional Reader

I don’t think that’s true. As I understand it, it basically requires registering, background check, photo and fingerprinting (which I have to do anyway here in DC to own ANY gun), plus a hefty license fee. That’s pretty much it. I might be wrong.

As far as private citizens owning what is considered fully automatic firearms, any person must have a valid, current Class III Federal Firearms License.

Police dept personel who are qualified to use full auto, have brought full auto’s to the ranges, and a private citizen may shoot that auto with the qualified person there, but a police officer who has a full auto is not considered a private citizen in regards to the Class III law.

I get to shoot full auto’s often with qualified P.D. personel and it is a blast.

You haven’t lived until you’ve shot a “grease gun”, or a MG42.

Back when they changed the law, from a $100.00 license, to grandfathering all who then had current valid Full auto licenses, to the Class III, from that point on, it has been and is impossible for a private citizen to aquire the Class III.

If you are a gun builder, and produce something that could get you a military contract, it may be possible to aquire a Class III, but the odds in that are probably like 1 in 40 million.