
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

reason091110/11/2010 2:50:50 pm PDT

re: #1094 Obdicut

I haven’t called you or your Ideas stupid.

I don’t believe government should use violence to enforce contracts except where a transfer of property has taken place and one party has not held up their end of the agreement. Violence can he used to retrieve the now stolen goods or compensation. This is consistentn. Madoff convinced speculators that if they gave him money, he could promise them returns. For many of his customers he did that. As happens in a ponzi scheme the johnny-come-latelies lose out… kind of like social security. Should he have been jailed for this? Probably not. People should not be so easily fooled…but where was the government to protect us all from Madoff? Absent. As for larceny you have a right to retrieve your property and so by extension so does government. This is a completely consistent view point.