
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller Lie About "Muslim Mob" Attacking Jews in Australia

CuriousLurker11/02/2013 12:09:48 am PDT

re: #7 Skandal

…hate sites such as Mondoweiss, Max Blumenthal, Richard Silverstein: Tikun Olam, The Electronic Intifada, etc. is another thing altogether.

P.S. FWIW, I think I follow Loonwatch on Twitter, but I don’t follow the website closely as I don’t really care for the tone of some of the articles I’ve read there in the past, so I never really paid any attention to who they promote.

I’m familiar with Max Blumenthal through his book Republican Gomorrah, which I thought was excellent and would have been even better if he’d left out the armchair psychoanalysis. I knew he was considered pretty far left and often angered more centrist & right-leaning Jews, but I didn’t know he was generally considered a hater or an anti-Semite on a par with Geller or Spencer.

I’d never heard the name Richard Silverstein until today, but I have run across his Tikun Olam blog a few times. I didn’t find anyhting of particular interest to me there and, again, as with Blumenthal, I was unaware he was generally considered a hater or an anti-Semite.

Mondoweiss, meh—another one I’ve run across a couple of times, but didn’t find particularly compelling. As with the previous two, it seemed pretty far left, but I was unaware it was generally considered a hate/anti-Semitic site.

As for Electronic Intifada, ugh—any site that immediately assails me with photos of violence and/or hyperbolic language designed to trigger my emotions loses me right away. I resent obvious attempts to manipulate me. Ditto for sites (or people) who employ propaganda-speak—I loathe it every bit as much as I loathe corporate-speak…both cause my eyes to glaze over in a matter of seconds.

If you can’t make your case in plain, rational, civil language using established facts & concrete examples, then I’m really not interested in hearing your side of the story, you know what I mean? It’s one of the reasons I gave up on the possibility of ever having a fruitful conversation with Buck (and a couple of others here). I have little patience for melodrama.