
The New Republic Takes a Close Look at the Anarchist Agenda of Snowden, Greenwald and Assange

Lidane1/19/2014 12:18:33 pm PST

From the article:

Reading Snowden’s selection of writings on Ars Technica, it’s hard to see evidence of a savvy—or even consistent—mind at work. Snowden doesn’t seem like a man prepared to become a global spokesman against government surveillance. And the posts certainly don’t indicate a man with a master plan.

No shit. He’s a stooge for Wikileaks and Greenwald and their agenda, just like Manning was.

A real whistleblower doesn’t steal millions of files, flee the country, and threaten to dump them all indiscriminately unless he gets his way. Those are the actions of an extortionist. A real whistleblower would’ve approached a sympathetic congressman or lawmaker and stayed on American soil to fight against what he saw as abuses.

Snowden is a felon and a coward and a dudebro stooge.