
Federal Appeals Court Nixes Geller & Spencer's "Disparaging" SIOA Trademark

EPR-radar5/22/2014 4:43:57 pm PDT

re: #9 PeterWolf

I wonder if there will be some further effects from this judgement. For example, should Geller attempt to place those controversial ads in the name of the SIOA, they may be refused on the basis of the decision.

Anyway, Geller and her buddies just love to hate. Islam is just what they focus their hatred on. If Islam didn’t exist, they’d just find another target for their hatred.

That seems unlikely. A trademark is basically an attempt to make something proprietary, such that one can go after an infringer of the trademark. For example if I get a trademark to The Turnip Wurlitzer granted, then a competitor that tried to glom onto my success by selling a similar product also called the Turnip Wurlitzer would be infringing the trademark and I could sue to get this activity stopped.

Which raises the somewhat bizarre question —- since when is dissemination of hatred a proprietary exercise? In addition to being haters and bigots, these people are just dumb.

The odds that hateful ads would be refused because of the failure of the trademark application are very low —- there is no requirement that anything be trademarked.