
Yes, It's Yet Another Deluge of Open Racism at Breitbart "News"

lawhawk8/12/2014 11:11:22 am PDT

Black men killed by law enforcement under dubious circumstances. Excessive force used. People protest with peaceful vigils. Police turn out armed for bear, complete with dogs, riot gear, etc., and for the most part the protests are peaceful, until a small group breaks off and ransacks several businesses.

That’s not a race riot. That’s a bunch of vandals who should be prosecuted for breaking the law.

None of those actions diminish the message of the protests, or the fact that law enforcement has an excessive force problem, and that black men are disproportionately at the receiving end of this. Institutionalized racism is still alive and well in the US.

And the knuckle dragging troglodytes at Breitbart are symptomatic of the mentality perpetuating the racism.