
Dancing in the Arctic Circle: Anneli Drecker, "Alone"

Amory Blaine5/10/2015 3:00:05 pm PDT

Walker and the GOP are going to break the parks.

Elimination Of Tax Funding For State Parks Approved By Budget Committee

State tax funding for Wisconsin’s state parks would be zeroed out and user fees would go up under a plan approved by Republicans on the Legislature’s budget committee Thursday.

Republicans agreed with Gov. Scott Walker’s proposal to cut more than $4.5 million in state funding from the parks each year. They would would make up part of that money by increasing fees on park users and campers. Hazelhurst Republican Sen. Tom Tiffany said that made sense.

“The people that utilize a service, they should pay for that service,” said Tiffany.

However, the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau found there are no other state park systems that are entirely self-sufficient. Democratic Rep. Chris Taylor of Madison said trying to do it in Wisconsin was reckless.