
Video: Mitt Romney "Would Have Dropped to His Knees" for My Endorsement

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)3/03/2016 12:06:09 pm PST

Wow. Just … wow.

Trump’s instincts are great for dealing with vulgar Queens construction contractors and mobbed-up union reps in Atlantic City. No doubt when coming into conflict, the instinct to start shouting “Fuck you! Just get down on your knees and blow me, you fuckin’ mook!” works great.

But is this really the kind of thing that we as a country think will work when trying to negotiate nuclear proliferation treaties?

Yeah, I know. The answer, to a bunch of knuckle-dragging, angry old white racists is “Goddam right! Show them moolie [bigoted word]s to stay in their place!” But I hope to God that everybody else in the reality-based world knows better…