
The Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse Yet

blueraven4/01/2016 6:02:12 pm PDT

Donald Trump said Friday that he believes the laws regulating abortion should stay as they are, but he doesn’t disagree with the proposition that abortion is murder.

The GOP frontrunner lit a fresh controversy this week with his shifting responses to a question on abortion policy. He said during an MSNBC town hall on Tuesday that he’d like to see the practice banned, and that women who undergo it should face “some form of punishment.” But he quickly backtracked, explaining in a statement that while he believes it should be banned, the punishment should be levied on abortion providers, not the women seeking abortions.

Trump sought to clarify his position during an interview on Friday with “Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson. The interview will air, in part, on Sunday’s broadcast.

video clip at link