
Stephen Colbert: Trump Hates White House Leaks, According to White House Leaks

lawhawk5/22/2018 12:26:05 pm PDT

Reset the clock:

Active shooter situation in Panama City Florida. Thoughts and prayers aren’t requested or needed.

Those who are in a position to act to make the city, state, and nation safer from gun violence who refuse to act are using thoughts and prayers as a substitute to action. They project and deflect the causes and rationales for doing anything except the one thing that has worked everywhere else it’s been tried: strong gun control.

States with strong gun laws have lower per capita death rates (homicide, suicide, accident) than weak gun law states.

The US has more mass shootings (take just school shootings) than every other developed nation on the planet combined. That’s on a per capita or bottom line reading.

The GOP/NRA refuse to do anything that reduces gun sales. That’s what they’re in the business of doing - it’s not about public safety or reducing gun sales. That doesn’t help the gun makers.

But you know what improves public safety? Holding those who negligently store guns responsible when those guns are misused/used in criminal or negligent acts. Gun owners would be responsible when a person use guns accidentally (such as one shooting a sibling accidentally) as well as when the person uses the gun to commit a mass shooting. That means the gun was improperly stored, accessed, and it is on the gun owner to make sure the gun is properly secured at all times.