
From David Crosby's New Album: "River Rise" (Official Lyric Video)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/29/2021 4:01:05 pm PDT

Reminder: There is no bottom to conservatism. None. And there isn’t much of one to religious faith either.

Fox News host suggests Florida building collapse is ‘God’s plan’ (Raw Story, sorry for not providing a better site, with video clip from FOX News Channel)

Fox News host Harris Faulkner suggested on Tuesday that victims of the building collapse in Surfside, Florida are part of “God’s plan.”

Following a press conference about the latest rescue efforts for dozens of missing people, Faulkner connected the tragedy to accusations that Democrats are trying to “defund the police.”

“You can have all the rules and the codes but you have to have enforcement behind them,” she explained. “And I liken that to where we are with the defund the police conversation. It’s like, yeah, you can have all these laws but law enforcement without police doesn’t really count.”

But Faulkner said that she also has hope that more victims will be recovered alive.

“This is not hope against hope at every turn,” she opined. “This is hope backed up by faith backed up by facts.”
