
Morris: Running Out of Solutions

lawhawk5/05/2009 10:33:12 am PDT

Morris wasn’t naive. He just thought, along with much of the Left, the diplomats, and the US, that Arafat would turn into Sadat and make peace with Israel, even at great personal cost to himself and he never did.

Arafat showed himself to be incapable of making peace; Abbas is no more capable, and is in an even worse position politically within the Palestinian polity because Hamas is running the show in Gaza and Hamas has its foundational document call for nothing less than Israel’s destruction. Everything Hamas does is in furtherance of that goal, including today’s claim that they’ll consider a 10-year hudna with Israel.

Israelis are sick of war, which is why so many of them flock to the possibility of a peace deal. Oslo turned out to be the highlight, instead of the starting point. Ever since Oslo, the terrorists have repeatedly shown that they care not for peace, but in murdering Israelis. Eliminating checkpoints to encourage Palestinian trade only encouraged terrorists to attempt attacks on Israelis by suicide bombers and bombs. Closing the border meant the terrorists started firing rockets and mortars.

Part of the problem stems from the fact that no one has told the Palestinians that they’ve lost the war with Israel over Israel’s existence. They still think that they will prevail; it’s the kind of hope that is corrosive and destructive to the everyone because Palestinian victory means Israel’s end.