
Jon Stewart on the 'Mega Mosque' Morons

ukobserver7/08/2010 12:47:14 pm PDT

I have followed US politics pretty closely over the last 8 years (guess why!!!) and one of the things l do when at work ( l work for DSGI International, the largest electrical retail company in the UK) when i’m standing around not serving customers is peruse the net following some of my favourite US political sites.

Imagine my dismay when l found out that Little Green Footballs has been blocked on my works server.

What is the reason?

Well, according to the wonderful creators of Norton Internet Security, the company Symantec, it’s because (drumroll) LGF HAS BEEN CLASSED BY THEM AS A HATE SITE.

Now l have a problem. As l am supposed to be working and not following US politics l cannot really point out to head office that LGF do a great service in exposing hate sites and hate groups. It may have been the recent links to the insane commentary and actions of Pajamas Media and the nutjob Pam Geller that has done it, but l now cannot access the site in daylight hours unless l am at home or a friend’s house, which is annoying as have used LGF on more than a few occassions to point out some nutty action from American Right Wingers.