
Kentucky Gov. Beshear Wants State Money for Creationist Theme Park

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines12/02/2010 11:45:34 am PST

They’ll also have a Tower of Babel and the Parting of the Red Sea:

# The Tower of Babel: Over 100 feet tall, this structure depicts how the tower may have looked after its completion. Guests enter a highly themed interior and weave along a path that introduces exhibits on the origination of languages and people groups (so-called “races”). The path ultimately leads to a 500-seat special effects theater.
# Journey through Biblical History: Visitors take a journey through Old Testament times, with spectacular special effects to help share some of the experiences of the Israelites. Beginning after Noah’s Flood and the time of Abraham, the journey through ancient times depicts the formation of Israel, Moses and the ten plagues in Egypt, and the parting of the Red Sea.

I wonder if they’ll include an animatronic exhibit of the massacre of the Canaanites?