
Video: Sen. James Inhofe Boasts of Success in the GOP's War on Science

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/03/2010 2:20:35 pm PST

Repost that can not be overstated:

I beg you all to look at this post and at least watch the two little videos. They are short. Please. This needs to be put in perspective. Please look at the science link from the Royal Academy.

Republicans are fundamentally opposed to the rights, liberty and prosperity of the American people in as much as those rights liberties and prosperity disagrees with the profits of their corporate masters or the ideologies of the the religious right.

But it really is much worse than that. This monster is chortling about your deaths.

Please look at:

The most likely scenarios now have us reaching a four degree rise in global temperatures by 2060-2070 and six by 2100.

That is the end of the world folks. No exaggeration. Game over for our civilization, no hyperbole, game over.

Please look at these little videos from National Geographic.

6 Degrees Warmer: Mass Extinction?

Youtube Video

5 Degrees Warmer: Civilization Collapses

Youtube Video

4 Degrees Warmer: Great Cities Wash Away

Youtube Video