
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Throws Her Tinfoil Hat in the Ring

moderatelyradicalliberal3/24/2011 11:21:40 am PDT

re: #1 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Christmas comes early this year!

I know this is awesome. This is going to be the craziest, scariest GOP field ever. I want all of them out there acting crazy and saying crazy things. I want to be able to point and laugh at the Republicans I knew and they shame that they will feel about these candidates. I want all of them going on GMA and the View announcing themselves as birthers like Donald Chump. I want either on of these fools up on stage with Obama trying to go toe-to-toe and failing miserably carrying the burden of all of the ignorant dumb asses in their party trying to campaign with unpopular Teapublican governors in the swing states. This shit it going to be awesome.

On Palin, on Bachmann, on Donald and Cain! On Romney, on Huckabee, on Gingrich and Rand! They will make December 25, 2012 a very merry Christmas, indeed!