
European Jews seek help in anti-shechita law

Bob Levin4/05/2011 6:50:27 pm PDT

re: #10 CuriousLurker

I’m still using the broad brush, but—America is essentially populated by people who escaped Europe. Basically, my grandparents were busy escaping your (abstract European individual) grandparents. And they (abstract European) enjoyed chasing these people to another country.

Some of these immigrants moved to the very top of American society—in terms of wealth. But most became the middle class, and have a very deep seated distrust of certain types of rhetoric. You will note that the Pat Buchanans have this thing about real Americans, how they are becoming fewer in number. Well, that’s a good thing. It’s nice to have a large population descended from people who escaped from somewhere else.

Despite what the Tea Party believes, most candidates only won by one or two percentage points.

If you put Wilders in America, he’s your next door neighbor whose name you keep forgetting. But in Europe, he stirs those old passions.