
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

Killgore Trout8/24/2011 11:10:47 am PDT

Allahpundit claims it’s fake but accurate…..

But if it wasn’t his profile, I’m mighty curious to know whether he agrees with the point made about the quake. It’s the same Keynesian argument as his in his post-9/11 piece. If the quake is different somehow, what makes it different?

Update: And here’s the man himself weighing in. It wasn’t his Google+ page. Duly noted, and I apologize for the error. But I hope he addresses the argument in the fake tweet on his blog. If World War II ended the Great Depression, why is it outrageous to think a Keynesian might see an economic boon to a natural calamity?