
Religious Right against government welfare because it doesn't force the poor to rely on Churches

Sionainn, Warrior Mother9/20/2011 5:59:45 am PDT

My experience of one person who depended on her church has really colored my view of this.

Brenda was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She was very involved in her church and spent a lot of her time and money making meals for others, delivering them, and helping peopleout in other ways. She was very inspiring and selfless. When she decided to marry a man with kidney failure that members of her church didn’t approve of, they decided to turn their backs on her. Right about that time, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was very ill. She was heartbroken that her church was not there for her and they refused to lift a finger to help her. She had waited too long to get symptoms checked and her aggressive form of breast cancer killed her within six months of her diagnosis. This incredible woman’s church turned its back on her in her greatest time of need. It was really unforgivable.

I have not one ounce of faith that churches would step up to the plate and be able/willing to take care of people who need help because I’ve seen the pettiness firsthand. No, thank you. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.