
Turek: We don't want a theocracy, we just want Christianity to be the law

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/24/2011 8:05:31 am PDT

re: #10 RogueOne

Was it in there or are you reading between the lines? Do you really believe that most xtians want to outlaw homosexuality or premarital sex?

No. Why are you asking me about claims I didn’t make?

What about the PBA ban Michigan that’s about to pass. If the majority thinks it’s morally abhorrent than you must be all for it, right?

No. The idea that I’m okay with a majority determining what’s morally right is something that you made up, that I never said, that I never came anywhere close to. As usual, you’re simply inventing the opposition argument.

Gliberal policy. “It’s unacceptable for religious people to hold and vote based on religious views but it’s perfectly acceptable for others to enforce a code of morality because we’re only doing it because it’s right”.

I don’t think it’s a problem for people to vote based on religious views, though.

So your non-argument sort of trips on its own dick right out of the gate.

. Personally, I don’t think my views should be enforced on others even if those views happen to be in the majority.

Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were a complete anarchist. Sorry, it’s hard to get a coherent message out of you.