
National Review's Anti-Endorsement of Newt Gingrich

William Lewis12/14/2011 7:43:04 pm PST

re: #4 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

The GOP’s totally up shit creek. They nominate Newt and pretty much write off anybody who hasn’t spent the last decade with their heads up their asses. They nominate Mittens and the base will defect in mass, either to a third party or simply choosing to stay home. The only other person near them in Paul, and if he gets the nomination, Obama will be able to phone in his campaign.

Oh, but he wouldn’t. That would be the most enjoyable possibility because Obama in campaign mode would; with a smile on his face, a gentle joke & a rhetorical flourish; shred Laup Nor on a daily basis. He’s the finest pure right wing granola - fruits, nuts & flakes all in one! - and I bet he’d have a really thin skin when push came to shove.