
Overnight Video: The Device

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/02/2012 8:43:42 pm PDT

Note tonight’s AP story on today’s managed outrage:

Conservatives seize on 2007 Obama video


There’s no way you can listen to this speech and not hear it as a deliberately divisive speech that pits Americans against each other and does so largely with racial innuendoes that are very, very clear when you hear the speech,” former Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said on Fox News, which aired segments of the videotaped speech.

At issue Tuesday, one day before the first presidential debate and as Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney trails in polls, was a speech then-candidate Obama made to black clergy at Hampton University, a historically black institution in Virginia. Media outlets including The Associated Press and Fox News covered the remarks at the time.


Fox News host Sean Hannity said […]

Conservative pundit Tucker Carlson of The Daily Caller, […]

I highlighted the only part of the wire story that made it clear that this is a rerun, an attempt to make something out of what didn’t work years ago.