
Axelrod: Obama 'Taken Aback by the Brazenness' of Romney's Dishonesty

DelusionDeluge10/07/2012 12:13:39 pm PDT

You have two debates left, Axelrod, and Obama has to connect forcefully. In the town hall debate, he should have an advantage, because the robotic Romney is going to have to look at audience members instead of Obama, and Obama doesn’t have to look at Romney and nod (ugh). In this format, Obama needs to get Romney back on the defensive about all of his statements from the last debate, as well as the 47% remark. Let Mitt take up his time explaining instead of forging down new paths of bullshit.

In the foreign policy debate, it should be a slam dunk. There should be a reference to Romney’s Bush/Cheney advisors in nearly every sentence you utter. Romney’s reaction to the Benghazi crisis should turn that storyline back onto him, as a president who could fly off the handle before the facts are in. The rest should be bye-bye Bin Laden and the decimation of al-Qaeda.

Finally: exaggerate. Brag. Hell… lie. We’re too late in the game, Obama, to believe that the truth will set folks free. Romney is proving that you can make your own truth to the undecideds and low-information swing voters. Go get them.