
Mitt Romney's New Ad Shamelessly Lies About Non-Existent "Apology Tour"

Ming10/23/2012 11:07:55 am PDT

Like the fox, Obama can do many things. Like the hedgehog, Romney needs to do only one thing. That one thing is the only position he’s had during this entire 18-month campaign. And it’s a position he’s never flip-flopped on. The position is not about the economy, or foreign policy. Romney’s position is that Barack Obama hates America, hates profitable companies, hates people who care enough to take responsibility for their own lives, and by the way isn’t much of a leader.

People who agree with this single position of Mitt Romney will vote for him. That’s what he has to offer, nothing more and nothing less. No one has any idea what he’ll do as President, and no one cares. You either despise Obama, or you don’t. It’s as simple as that. This is Romney’s message, which dovetails perfectly with Fox News (and others) propaganda, and I’m afraid it’s been very effective.