
Sen. Frank Lautenberg Dies, Right Wing Blogs Spew Hatred

simoom6/03/2013 11:53:19 am PDT

And here I thought Tapper had maybe turned over a new leaf with his move to CNN. Keep in mind David Plouffe left the administration in early January and now works as a commentator/contributor for Bloomberg TV. Yesterday, Plouffe tweeted out this in response to Issa’s Sunday show appearance:

Politico & Mediaite, not exactly models of journalistic excellence, reported on the spat correctly:

Tensions continue to rise following Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) fierce criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of, and potential involvement in, the IRS scandal. He was particularly harsh toward White House press secretary and “paid liar” Jay Carney. Former top White House adviser David Plouffe fired back via Twitter — calling out “Mr. Grand Theft Auto.”

Former White House senior adviser David Plouffe took to Twitter to question Rep. Darrell Issa’s ethics after the California Republican trashed press secretary Jay Carney.

And then here’s Tapper:

An unusually harsh and personal war of words erupted on Sunday, even for the current hyper-partisan atmosphere in Washington, DC, with one of President Obama’s top advisers bringing up the 40-year-old criminal record of the Republican congressman leading the investigation into alleged IRS abuses.

It’s hard to believe he didn’t screw that up intentionally.