
Million Vet March Unhappy with Cooption by Wingnuts

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/14/2013 8:23:07 am PDT

re: #107 Mattand

Yeah, this is not good. Most people have no idea or don’t care what the GOP is asking for. It’s really starting to make me a bit nuts. I was talking to a neighbor last night about the shutdown, and he had a kind of “WTF?” look on his face when I laid the blame on the GOP, not the President.

I’m glad Obama is standing up to these guys. However, I hate to say this, and I hope I’m wrong, but the GOP will eventually win this. A combination from the American people of shutdown fatigue and their legendary inability to grasp basic fucking facts is going to be tough for Obama to overcome.

The problem is the GOP’s message has always been simpler and easier to sum up in soundbites. Plus enough people believe “Both sides are just as bad.” The one good short thing that will come of this is Ken Cuccinnelli won’t be my governor but I’d like to see the GOP lose their majority in the House too and a chance at winning the presidency.