
Glenn Beck: Obama or Christie Might Launch "False Flag" Attacks Against the US

Killgore Trout1/16/2014 5:15:13 pm PST

Thankfully the secret Zionist overlords have been defeated!
DKos: Sen. Feinstein: “We cannot let Israel determine when and where the US goes to war.”

Senator Feinstein followed this up by openly rejected the attempt to turn the war power of the US Constitution over to Israel’s current prime minister

Mondowiess: Jon Stewart plays ‘Let’s break a deal’ with AIPAC

He goes off, and rips into Israel reading off Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon’s recent gaffe accusing John Kerry of operating from an incomprehensible obsession and a sense of messianist fervor. The whole thing is priceless. Jon is a national treasure.

MJ Rosenburg: Awesome! Chris Hayes Brilliantly Explains Lobby’s Effort to Sabotage Iran Deal

I happen to agree with Gates, new sanctions should be passed if Iran backs out or cancels the deal, new blanket sanctions probably aren’t a good idea right now and Obama will veto it anyways. However, Feinstein’s statement about allowing Israel dictate US military action is very unhelpful and feeds the fantasies from some very ugly people.