
National Review Finally Posts Correction for Fake "Venezuela" Photo After Michelle Malkin Throws Tantrum

Targetpractice6/02/2015 12:02:47 pm PDT

re: #83 HappyWarrior

To rephrase Lee Atwater but using LGBT folks-
You start out saying f*ggot, f*ggott. And then you oppose things like same sex marriage and employment protection. And when that doesn’t work, you start talking about religious liberty and protecting “religious freedom. They’re going to proceed with LGBT rights the same way they did civil rights for African Americans and I totally expect some right wing tool in 50 years to try to claim that the GOP was actually the more progressive on gay rights much like they do with Civil Rights now.

Indeed, I had to walk away to get some clothes out of the drier, and while there I realized that even if SCOTUS rules against the bans, the GOP will just find loopholes in the ruling to exploit in order to maintain defacto bans. Such as putting new and sundry limits on marriage licenses.