
Bobby Jindal Doubles Down on Vicious Attack Against Oregon School Shooter's Father

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/12/2015 1:03:45 pm PDT

re: #104 Shiplord Kirel

My nominee would be Sophia Loren, though she is still very much with us. Unlike Columbus she has actually been here, quite a bit in fact. She has been a cultural icon for more than 60 years, she is a lovely woman (and not just to look at), and her contributions to society have been almost wholly positive.

Seriously, though, I think it would be appropriate to consign Columbus to the lengthy list of historical villains and replace “Columbus Day” with “Italian Heritage Day” to honor all the millions of Italian people who have contributed so much to this country.

I think that would be reasonable. I’d also prefer that St. Patrick’s Day be a celebation of Irish-American contribution to American society rather than just an excuse to get shit hammered.