
Former KKK Leader David Duke: Trump Speaks "A Lot More Radically" Than Me

Targetpractice12/28/2015 5:39:15 pm PST

re: #101 Lidane

I don’t buy that for a second. I think he’s going to do better than they expect in Iowa.

Here’s the thing, though — we haven’t really seen any oppo research on Trump so far. All the campaigns are reacting to his day-to-day stupidity or questioning his popularity, but we haven’t seen much else. I’m betting that the Super PACs and the campaigns are holding their fire until after Iowa and New Hampshire because they’re gauging how he’ll do when people actually vote. If he does well, I expect the faucets to turn on and the Super PAC money to flow accordingly.

Thing is, by that point it may already be too late, the momentum may have already built up. It could actually lead to fratricide, with the Super PACs helping to destroy his campaign just as he’s beginning to swing into the general election.